Online Support Ticket System : Web Application

Submitted as a part of Software Engineering Course at IIT Madras

Keywords: IIT MadrasSoftwareEngineeringWeb AppDevelopmentPythonFlaskSQLiteMiroSwaggerAPIPyTestInsomniaGitJira

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Problem Statement

The support team at the IITM BSc degree program often get overwhelmed with emails from students regarding queries and concerns. So the task is to create an online support ticketing system for the IITM BSc degree program.

It should have following features:


  1. Students can create a support ticket for a particular concern or query.
  2. Before they create a ticket, the system should also show a list of similar tickets, and allow users to like or +1 an already existing support ticket, so that duplicates are not created. This way popular concerns or queries can be prioritised by the support team.
  3. After the support team addresses the concern, they can mark the ticket as resolved, and an appropriate notification should be sent to concerned users.
  4. If appropriate, the support query and response should be added to the FAQ section by support admins, and appropriately categorised, so that an updated FAQ will be readily available to students.
  5. The platform should allow users to enrol as students, support staff and admins.

Video Demo of Final App

The video below shows demo of the app.


All the relevent files and documents are available in the Github repository.

Github Project Repository: Click Here !!